Silverfall from Grövelsjön - easy 6 km
Nature of the tour: Easy walking tour on a large path through mountain forest with a short section on the calf mountain.
Length of the tour: About 6 km
Total climb: approx. 150 m
Especially for the tour: The nice sheltered valley up to the fall, Olån's wind shelter with surrounding old hay meadows. Possibility to make a fire at the barbecue area.
Things to think about/tips: Bring dry kindling if you want to use the fireplace by the windbreak.

Tour map. Recommended map: Fjällkartan w 51 Height curves, equidistant 10 m.
Hiking description
From Grövelsjön, where the road ends, the trail goes to the left towards a suspension bridge over the river Grövlan. Then follow the cross-marked trail and signs towards Silverfallet. Go back the same way or follow the reindeer fence on the Swedish side to the north for a bit before turning back down towards Grövelsjön.
One km from the falls is Olån's wind shelter with barbecue area, surrounded by old hay meadows and protective mountain forest. Here you can rest and enjoy life by making coffee or grilling sausages.